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Atoll - Bikini Atoll Fallout Frenzy (Comic)

$4.99 USD

Limited Comic featuring story line behind Atoll's concept for the album "Fallout Frenzy" 16 pages featuring art by comic illustrator, Steve Lehmann. Limited to 500 units worldwide!
(Mock for Sample Only - Not Final Cover)

Phoenix based slammers, ATOLL is back with their highly anticipated sophomore album ‘Fallout Frenzy’. Emerging from the scorched wasteland, ‘Fallout Frenzy’ delivers 10 new tracks of ATOLLS’ signature, Pure American Death Metal; Heavy-murky riffs, contagious melodies, and punishing breakdowns. The 30-minute opus guarantees non-stop death metal fallout. Be forewarned, this is Atolls’ heaviest album to date.

Featuring album art by Australian Comic Illustrator, Steve Lehmann (Dark Oz Comics ‘Decay’), ‘Fallout Frenzy’ was produced by ATOLL and mixed/mastered by Wade Taylor (Fetal Disgorge) at Filthy Swine Studios in Phoenix, AZ.

Track List:
1. The Rotten
2. Forced Xenotransplantation
3. Battlestar Ghonnorea
4. Global Wyrming
5. The Dripping Dead
6. Bikini Atoll Fallout Frenzy
7. Beastiality Wars
8. Eternal Prolapse
9. Full Gruntal Nudity
10. Cadaverous