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Ayakasi Kagura - 聞シ召シ給ヘ (Kikoshi Meshi Tamae)

$10.99 USD

Folkloric Death Duo, 妖神楽 - Ayakasi Kagura -, returns with their latest offering, '聞シ召シ給ヘ (Kikoshi Meshi Tamae)'.

'Featuring album art by Japanese Illustrator Maro Mei, '聞シ召シ給ヘ (Kikoshi Meshi Tamae)' was produced by Ayakasi Kagura and feature 'Gore' of Urobilinemia on vocals.

1. 死聲 / Shi Sei
2. 从怨 / Ju On
3. 闇深キモノ / Yami Hukaki Mono
4. 我、此処二在リ / Ware Koko ni Ari
5. コトリバコ / Kotoribako
6. 是空 / Zeku
7. 聞シ召シ給ヘ / Kikoshi Meshi Tamae
8. 鬼丸 / Onimaru
9. 底無シ沼 / Sokonashi Numa
10. 狂咲 / Kurui Zaki
11. 五元ノ壊 / Gogen no Kai
12. 息が続く限り / Iki ga Tsuzuku Kagiri
13. 春の予感 / Haru no Yokan
14. 七転八起 / Shichiten Hakki