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Ayakasi Kagura - Zan Kyo

$9.99 USD

Debut album by Japan’s own, Ayakasi Kagura, ‘Zan Kyo’. The album features 15 tracks of folk and manga inspired death metal. Ayakasi Kagura takes elements of technical and progressive death metal, forming a dark, yet beautiful offering without compromising brutality. ‘Zan Kyo’ was produced by Ayakasi Kagura and features album art by Japanese Illustrator, Mei Maro (Urobilinemia).

1. Mumyōnohashi ~ hyakkiyakō | The Bridge of the Unknown
2. Kuro to aka dake no sekai | A World With Only Black and Red
3. Kubi, yokose | Head, Come Over.
4. Nininwankyū | Two People Uku Hisaki
5. Kurotsuka | Black Mound
6. Kazu hoshi | Evil Star
7. Shinobi tsukiyo wa oboro nite | Sneaky Moonlit Nightmare
8. Nabu ya | Slaughter
9. Nichirin no kuni | Japan-Rugged Country
10. Ōeyama 刹鬼 Tan | Oeyama Squirrel
11. 臓漁Ri | Fishery
12. Ho-mei | Retaining Name
13. Chimami reno binsen | Bloody Reno Paper Notes
14. Renjō | Love Affair
15. Yume ga koroshi ni yattekuru | A Dream Comes to Murder