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Scrotoctomy - Born to Eviscerate

$9.99 USD

‘Born to Eviscerate’ - 6 Panel Digi-Pak

Mexican Slam Brigade, SCROTOCTOMY, returns with their long-awaited debut LP entitled ‘Born to Eviscerate’. This new album features 9 new tracks of neck breaking, fist pumping, slam induced brutal death metal ala Cerebral Engorgement, Short Bus Pile Up, Vulvectomy, and more. Slam fans, rejoice! A future classic is in the making…

Featuring album art by Indonesian illustrator Aghy Purakusuma (Guttural Disease, Infectology, Reduced), ‘Born to Eviscerate’ was recorded by Carlos Cruz atEl Abuelo Slam” Music Studio & mix / mastered by Januaryo Hardy at Insidious Soundlab (Infectology, Perverted Dexterity, Reduced)

Track list:
1. Intro
2. Royal Impalement
3. 818
4. Born to Eviscerate
5. Samurai Disembowelment
6. Through Maggots and Entrails
7. Sextrangulation
8. The Taste of Sickness
9. Psychological Mutilation